How do you connect the fiber cores?

A description of different fiber schedules based on various network topologies

The basic rule when connecting SFPs in a point-to-point topology is to connect Rx to Tx and connect Tx to Rx as in the diagram before. Fiber technicians should keep a good record of how all fibers are connected and to label all pigtails appropriately 


In this article, we will show an example of a SLD (Single Line Diagram) for 3 topologies. 

- Daisy chain

- Fan out

- Star

A Daisy chain is a common practice for connecting devices when devices are connected serially and the main cable passes through all the devices.  

The main advantages of the Daisy Chain are

  1. It utilizes only 4 fiber cores regardless of the number of devices / HANs
  2. It utilizes only 2 ports on the aggregation/core Switch

The main disadvantages of Daisy Chain topology are 

  1. Despite that, the daisy chain provides some redundancy that is limited to a single failure in one Switch or one SFP, but there are multiple simultaneous faults all the devices between the 2 faults will lose connectivity InOne Daisy Chain Fiber connection_