Micro Ducts for InOne Micro Hybrid Cables

The General Guideline is that the Cable OD (outer diameter)  should not exceed 80% of the Duct ID (inner diameter)

The Blowing distance is affected by route topologies, number of bends, and turning radius. A larger duct ID can provide better blowing performance. All information provided regarding blowing distances is based on our test in standardized test track.

Direct Buried Think-Walled Ducts 16/12mm suitable for the following InOne Micro Hybrid Cables

- TOL4079028/12  4x0.75mm2 copper / 12 G657A1 Fiber

- TOL4079029/24  4x1.5mm2 copper / 24 G657A1 Fiber

We suggest that you choose the Microduct 16/12 mm for both cables,  then it is easier if you decide to change the smaller cable to the larger one. It is also recommended that you keep spare ducts for future use if needed. 

MPB30218+M+.MAINMPB30218+.MAINStraight con 20/16mm w cover

These Ducts can come in different colors and assemblies for the full list of the varieties check the links below. 

 Duct for 4x0.75 mm2 and 4x1.5mm2 Cable
Name Product number Unit
Single Duct (Thick Walled)


Multi Duct Assemblies (Thick walled)


Straight Connectors with cover


Package (5 pcs)

Duct end-stop with cover


Package (5 pcs)



Direct Buried Think-Walled Ducts 20/16mm suitable for the following InOne Micro Hybrid Cables

 - TOL4079036/24  8x1.5mm2 copper / 24 G657A Fiber

For this cable, we suggest that you choose the Microduct 20/16 mm for both cables. It is also recommended that you keep spare ducts for future use if needed. 

MPB30256+M.MAIN8_MPB30258+.MAINStraight con 20/16mm w cover


These Ducts can come in different colors and assemblies for the full list of the varieties check the links below. 

Duct for 8x1.5mm2 Cable
Name Product number Unit
Single Duct (Thick Walled)



Multi Duct Assemblies (Thick walled)



Straight Connectors with cover


Package (5 pcs)

Duct end-stop with cover


Package (5 pcs)